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Green Nature


Affordable * Cost-effective * Fast

Being hypnotised is an enjoyable relaxing and pleasant experience.
Many people find they are able to make fast progress and overcome issues, after having spent many months or years trying other more conventional talking treatments.
Each of my sessions is tailor-made to you. You will have tools and techniques to take with you, and the option of a bespoke MP3 for future personal use.


Effective short-term therapy


How does hypnotherapy work for so many different issues? 


With a great many issues, there is an element of subconscious 'programming', (that is, ingrained thoughts, associations and learned behaviours), that are not always fully addressed with stand-alone, conventional talking therapies; which can be resolved and transformed using hypnosis. Whenever there are unconscious, habitual, automatic learned behaviours which are either holding you back or keeping you 'stuck'; then hypnotherapy can be extremely effective.


Can I be hypnotised? Is it to do with being gullible?


Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis has nothing to do with being gullible, it's more like learning a new skill, under professional guidance. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative experience and I am working as both a guide and a facilitator. The ability to enter hypnosis is more akin to entering different brain states, (see EEG scan of the brain under hypnosis), than having anything to do with mind control. There is also evidence that with repetition and practice, you can become more effective at being hypnotised. (See my Science section).


What happens in a session?


As a cognitive hypnotherapist, I am trained to first carefully work through the presenting issues in a face-to-face consultation with the client. I spend a lot of time getting to know you. Once familiar with the issues at stake, and once we are mutually agreed on a workable therapy plan, I'll take you into hypnosis. Finally, I'll give you tools and techniques and MP3s (tailored audio recordings) to take home with you.

What does hypnosis feel like?


Hypnosis is a natural state, (albeit one we don't usually enter on purpose). Whilst the experience may vary slightly from person-to-person, it will probably feel quite familiar; like daydreaming whilst driving on a motorway or getting lost in a really good movie. 


We all experience hypnotic states when going to sleep at night and waking in the morning (called hypnogogic and hypnopompic respectively). It is a relaxing experience, both physically and mentally, a bit like slipping into a comfortable bed.

So, whilst there's nothing particularly unusual about the hypnotic state; what is unusual is intentionally and deliberately getting really good going into that state and sustaining it, in order to make  therapeutic changes.

Can hypnotherapy help with physical problems or just mental ones?


Yes, Hypnotherapy can help with a great many physical problems. With current breakthrough research about the mind/body connection, this is hardly surprising! We are learning all the time about the profound relationship between the mind and the body. Check out some recently released books on this subject in the 'Mind/Body' section, such as 'The Cure' by Jo Marchant, in the resources section.


Is there any scientific proof that Hypnotherapy works, or why it's effective?


Yes. You can checkout the latest research in the Science and Hypnosis Section.  I also really recommend the work of Dr. David Spiegel M.D. (Professor and Associate Chair of Psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine)


Is it safe?


Yes, absolutely safe. As a therapist, I'm simply on a journey with you, to unlock the power and potential in you. You will come round, you will be able to move your body, adjust your position, and rouse yourself if you need to! You won't be embarrassed or lose your self-control, and if anything feels uncomfortable you can tell me.


How much do you charge and how long are sessions?

My fees vary according to location and are listed on my 'Contact' page. Each session lasts an hour.


How do I book?


Contact me in the message box on my contact page or call 07444 062128.

If you have any further questions, I offer a 15 minute free phone call and assessment. 
I look forward to hearing from you!

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Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person

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