Recommended books and sites Psychology:
Atomic Habits, James Clear
The mindful way through depression, Mark Williams
You are not your brain, M.D. Jeffrey M. Schwartz & M.D. Rebecca Gladding
Keeping the brain and mind, Melissa Tiers (Neuroscience)
Whole new mind, Daniel H. Pink
What Doesn't Kill Us: A guide to overcoming adversity and moving forward, Stephen Joseph (Post traumatic growth)
The Tao of fully feeling, Pete Walker Complex PTSD (from surviving to thriving) Pete Walker
Man's search for meaning, Viktor Frankl
Electric brain, R. Douglas Fields
Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales, Marie-Louise Von Franz (Jungian analysis)
The brain that changes itself, Norman Doidge (Neuroplasticity)
Dreams of Awakening (Lucid dreaming), Charlie Morley
The talent code, Daniel Coyle (Neuroplasticity & skill development)
Born to be good, Dacher Keltner (evolutionary positive psychology)
The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky (positive psychology research)
Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport
Stress management:
Stress proof you life: 52 brilliant ideas for taking control, Elisabeth Wilson
Curious? Todd Kashdahn, PhD (Anxiety & Stress management)
Self-help for your nerves, Claire weeks
Shake it off naturally, David Berceli (Stress management)
Breathe, Belisa Vranich, Psy D (breathing and stress management book)
Superbetter, Jane McGonigal
Reality is broken, Jane McGonigal (Game playing for stress management)
The serious guide to joke writing, Sally Holloway (Comedy for stress management!)
Public speaking/voice:
Finding your voice, Barbara Houseman
Freeing the natural voice, Kristin Linklater
The voice book, Michael McCallion
The vocal arts workbook, David Carey & Rebecca Clark Carey
Breathe, Belisa Vranich, Psy D (breathing and stress management)
Mind/body Connection:
Unlearn your pain, Howard Schubiner
The Cure, Jo Marchant
Pain relief handbook, Dr Chris Wells
Pain-free living, Pete Egoscue
Healing backpain, John E Sarno MD
Healing promise of Qi, Roger Jahnke OMD
Molecules of emotion, Candace Pert
In an unspoken voice, Peter A Levine
Waking the tiger (Healing trauma), Peter A Levine
The body keeps the score, Bessel Van Der Kolk
Anatomy of an illness, Norman Cousins
The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, Deb Dana
Accessing the healing power of the vagus nerve, Stanley Rosenberg
Physical health/General health
Move your DNA, Katy Bowman
The trigger point therapy workbook, Clair Davies NCTMB
True to form, Eric Goodman
I contain multitudes, Ed Yong
Herbal antibiotics, Stephen Buhner
Healing mushrooms, Tero Isokauppila
Essentials of human nutrition Healthy eating, Mann Truswell
The great cholesterol con, Dr Malcolm Kendrick (Naudi Aguilar)
The Psychobiotic Revolution (mood & gut health connection), Scott C Anderson, John F Cryan, Ted Dinan (Yasmina Ykelenstam)
Women's health:
It must be my hormones, Marion Gluck
Heal pelvic pain, Amy Stein
The better bladder book, Wendy Cohan, RN (Women's health physiotherapy) (Women's health physiotherapy)
I'm too young for this (the natural hormone solution), Suzanne Somers
Women's bodies, women's wisdom, Christiane Northrup
The boxer's heart, Kate Sekules (sport's psychology, from a woman's perspective)
Tao Tantric Arts for Women, Mink de Vos
Mating in captivity, Esther Perel (couples)
Boundaries after a pathalogical relationship, (abuse) Adelyn Birch
The new art of sexual ecstasy, Margot Anand (sexuality & breathing)
Calling in the one, Katherine Woodward Thomas (finding the right partner)
Your brain on Porn, Gary Wilson
Relationships, The School of Life Library
The School of Life Relationships Playlist:
Attachment in Psychotherapy, David J Wallin
Attachment and the defense against intimacy, Linda Cundy